Jamie Whitehead

Hi! I’m Jamie,

and as long as I can remember I have been an animal lover. When I was little you could find me laying on the floor with whatever dog was around, rescuing birds and bugs, and helping any animal that I was able to.

When I was 18 years old I was in a bad car accident that changed my life. I struggled through years of depression and anger, and then I got Turbo. He was the first dog of my own. My heart dog. He changed everything for me. I had no official training or real dog knowledge and I made a lot of mistakes with that boy; but he was so patient with me while I learned and we ended up creating the strongest bond I have ever felt.

He is the reason that I am still here. He is the reason I do what I do. He made me want to help people avoid making the same mistakes that I did, and create the trust and relationship that will be the foundation for your life together.

The car accident, chronic pain, years of being in and out of doctors' offices, emergency rooms, and some of the treatment I received, led me to working with dogs who suffer from potential pain issues. I wasn’t quite sure how until the universe handed me the wonderful Dynamic Dog Practitioner program. As soon as I heard the founder of the course speak, I knew this was my path. Knowing full well how much pain affected my brain and my behaviour, as well as how skillfully dogs hide when they’re hurting.

I am no longer a part of the Dynamic Dog Membership Association, but I do continue to pursue education through a variety of speakers, webinars, courses and colleagues.

Meet Penny!

Penny is my sassy, delightful, loving Basset Hound who you’ll see featured heavily in my online content.

Her favourites include chicken worms (not actual worms, but actually delicious snacks), digging, making friends and chasing bunnies in the park.

She also has a complicated medical history and is a huge reason why I am so dedicated to the connections between pain, behaviour and training.

If you’d like to read more about Penny you can check out this blog post.
