Professional Consultations for R+ Pet Pros

My expert eyes on your training, grooming or vet care client, providing insight into the probability of an underlying painful condition, the specific indicators and how to start relieving their discomfort right away.

Initial Consult:

$250 +gst


The big thing that none of us were really taught,

but affects a majority of our clients with big behaviour struggles.

How to identify probable pain, even when our training efforts totally plateau (or never even build momentum despite our efforts and best client relationships).

How to adapt our training and management plans for dogs with chronic pain.

How to effectively support our clients (with evidence based recommendations) at the vet and through diagnostics.

Because just telling clients to “get checked out at the vet” doesn’t cut it.

How to talk to clients about the potential for underlying pain (in an already expensive and ableist world).


I can help.

Pro Consults

Specifically for R+ pet professionals who care about the potential for underlying pain, but need a little extra support in order to effectively support their own clients.

How does it work?

With your client’s permission, we begin to gather relevant information.

From behaviour concerns to very specific photos and video, I want to have all the background information necessary to provided an informed analysis.

Then, during our consult we discuss three specific questions chosen to best assist you in supporting your client.

  1. Is there a strong probability of pain as a contributor to the dog’s behaviour struggles?

  2. What specific indicators of potential pain are present in this case?

  3. What are a couple of simple modifications we can make to immediately relieve discomfort in this dog’s daily life?


  • No, this service is not a full posture and gait analysis (but we do offer those, check out our Pain & Gait Assessments).

    We will collect some footage of the client’s dog in their daily life, but it is much less thorough than a full assessment.

  • You get four things! 

    First you get the support of a behaviour professional (me!) who has additional education in detecting probable signs of pain in a dog’s posture and movement and in their behaviour. 

    You get to practice observing your client dog’s behaviour through a new lens, and through our information gathering stages you will be exposed to a new set of questions to ask future clients. 

    You get one on one time with me to discuss your client dog’s struggles through the lens of pain and answer the three questions above in-depth.

    And you receive a comprehensive report detailing my findings and next step recommendations, which can be shared with your client and even their veterinary care team.

  • I do not have any direct contact with your client throughout this process. 

    It is required that you get your client’s consent to share photos, videos and information regarding their dog and behaviour concerns. 

    In the information gathering process you may also need to go back to your client with follow up questions, but that is all handled by you.

  • I take payment directly from you, the pet professional booking the consultation. 

    How you structure your budget and client pricing is up to you! Some account for this cost in their education budget, some build professional consultations into their overall prices.

And if you need a little bit more?

Continuing Consult

Available within 30 days of the initial consult, book a 1 hour continuing consult to dig deeper into one of the following options.

175$ +gst

Option 1

Training Plan Review

Review your clients training plan through the lens of potential pain to uncover sneaky roadblocks and account for lower capacity days.

My expertise and creative thinking, and your first hand knowledge combine to refine your existing, customized plan for your client.

Option 2

Analgesic Trial Support

You may have heard about pain trials, but you may not feel confident in supporting your client through the behaviour end of this diagnostic process.

In this option we can discuss how long evidence based trials should last, how do we know if they’re effective, and what changes should we look for in the client dog’s behaviour.

Are we a good fit to work together?

It’s important to me to work with trainers who share values in training and in how animals and people are treated.

Force and fear free methods are essential, as is the intentional dismantling of oppressive systems where ever they show up, including in the pet dog industry.

We don’t train for the sake of establishing hierarchies or creating convenience at the expense of our dogs.

We prioritize making the lives of our clients and their dogs richer through meaningful choice, community and embracing our genuine self.

You can also get to know me via my blog (link here), or by checking out my instagram page (@the.Speed.Of.Hound)